Monday, March 13, 2017

Young India, New India, Ageless, Yearn for Karma! Trees not Metros!

(C) 2017 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

The offering in sacrifice which causes the genesis and support of beings is called Karma- The Bhagavadgita.

Whats your New India when the satrap is so hell bent on destroying Aarey with the Trojan Horse- the  metro car shed and then through the back door assuring the entry of destructive suicidal DEVELOPMENT, creating sewage rivers and air pollution causing genocide? Address that first and show your true mettle. Tell our environment minister to undergo relevant education with the people who are opposing the destruction of Aarey. Relocate your metro car shed to Kanjurmarg and demonstrate your respect for crass survival. You are decimating children in Mumbai through air and water pollution and total destruction of lung space. Shame on you Pied Piper. Improve or all life will be snuffed out. Suresh Prabhu, have a heart and get off Aarey NOW.
There is huge pasture and huge Borivli National Park.  You are allowing 3000 trees to be cut? Why cant you build good smart villages which sustain nature and humans (who are behaving as if they are ignorant of nature) and remove the congestion in Mumbai?
What is the effect of replacing the 3000 trees with car shed pavement?
Mumbai’s 2000 mm of rain in the four months of monsoon will be used by the 3000 trees and more!
The trees transpire their own weight of water in a day! At 100 m^2 crown area, 3000 trees occupy 30 Ha. At 75 t/ha, the dry biomass  of the 3000 trees in the Aarey Colony to be culled is 2250 tons. The rainfall of Mumbai is 2000 mm in the 4 months of the South West Monsoon. The tree transpires its own weight of water in a day. Hence 2250 tons of water will be transpired by the 3000 trees in a single day. At 2m of rain in the SW monsoon of 4 months, the rain on 30 ha area is 3x10^5 m^2x2m=6x10^5 m^3. In 4 months the trees on this area transpire 2250m^3x120d= 270000 m^3 in 4 months, which is 0.45 times the rainfall on this area! But we must include the below ground dry biomass density as well which doubles the transpiration to 540000 m^3 in 4 months or 90% of the rainfall! This then is the reason God created the trees and pastures and the Aarey Colony. Thus this transpired water by pressure difference is transported throughout the region to keep the Borivli National Park and surrounding areas recharged with water and thus the ground water over a large area is usefully utilised by the ecocommunity! The same thing happens wherever there is vegetation in proportion to the density of vegetation there. This transpiration continues during the dry season of eight months and hence the groundwater is kept continuously recharged throughout the year only with the help of all members of the natural community. Destroy the trees and the golden goose collapses.
Think a little bit OUTSIDE THE BOX and keep the community of pastures and trees in the area undisturbed as in all the other areas for crass survival. Above this bottom line drawn by nature, which I call the Lax man rekha, I exhort all whom it may concern to rise up and quell the action to destroy ecology of living space for dubious development which is committing OMNICIDE.


Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Crash of British Aerospace BAF 146/BJ85 plane of Lamia Flight LMI 2933 from Santa Cruz(Bolivia) to Medellin(Colombia) on 29 November 2016.

(C) Copyright 2016-2017 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar


The World’s dams caused huge surges resulting in thunderstorms in the Intertropical Convergence Zone which brought down the plane suddenly.

The saving grace for the analysis of the root cause of the crash is that there are survivors. Their experience may confirm the following analysis of the crash (Table 1):

As Table 1 shows there was a 182 m drop at the instant the pilot communicated that there was a loss of electricity at 3 hours UTC. Will the survivors confirm this?


Location of Crash: 8.5133, -73.335:

 Near Mid right third of the picture below!

May Modern Civilization be replaced by one which has nature as the bottom line and everything else comes thereafter.

The principle of modern civilization's economics is: convert everything in nature to garbage. 

Fellow earth citizens check this out and please have the simple courtesy to life to comment on this after due study.

As Table 1 shows there was a 182 m drop at the instant the pilot communicated that there was a loss of electricity at 3 hours UTC. Will the survivors confirm this?

But look at this report from the MIRROR news link above:
The 2,972km flight path from Santa Cruz in Bolivia to Medellin was right at the edge of the aircraft's capacity.
It had been expected that if the plane ran low on fuel, it would stop in Bogota.
But this did not happen, so the plane would have been almost empty by the time it got to Medellin.
In another twist of fate, as Flight 2933 approached, the pilot was told another plane had requested priority landing due to a problem on board.
Note RJ85 is a short haul aircraft with:
RJ70 - Max operating speed Mach 0.73, cruising speed 763km/h (412kt), long range cruising speed 720km/h (389kt). Range with max fuel 3075km (1660nm), range with max payload 2665km (1440nm). RJ85 - Same, except range with max fuel 2965km (1600nm), range with max payload 2130km (1150nm). RJ100 - Same, except range with max fuel 2760km (1490nm), range with max payload 2130km (1150nm).
How can the concerned people take a short hauler into such an unacceptable distance? The suicidal modern civilization's adherents are also suicidal. If this is what really happened. I have however analysed above an additional risk factor, that induced by the world's dams.
Citizens of the nations of the world must wake up to these aspects of airliners NOW.
See also:

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


No solution to floods? The specialist in modern civilization is
oblivious to the obvious solution: Trees! Trees are smart enough
to allow water to fly defying gravity like all living beings do!
Look at the India Meterological Department(IMD) data and get to know
how to use it smartly. From fundamental physiological properties
of plants, it follows that a tree transpires its own weight of water
in a day. At 10 kg/sq.m dry biomass weight, in 41 days from June 1,
the transpiration by the sucking action of the sun on a square meter
of land amounts to 0.41 cubic meters. The IMD data for cumulative
rainfall till 11 July 2016 is 267.7 mm. On a square meter of India, the
cumulative rain till 11th July is 0.2677 cubic meters! So the solution
for floods and droughts is NOT DAMS but ecological reforestation using
people's cooperatives for the next millennia, A la Ashoka! See
collaterals of climate change: THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX: TREES FOR DAMS.
The link:

R. Ashok Kumar, B.E.,M.E.,Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Dombivli Chemical Factory Blast and the World's Dams: A connect modern civilization's specialists are blind to!


A dam surge wave some 2 million times the world electrical capacity of
6 terawatts struck the factory for some 33 milliseconds(estimated) at around
10 hours local time(India Today TV Channel) caused by a worldwide dam content change of 112 BCM causing the blast and fire which saw 3 dead and 85 injured. This analysis is done applying the precautionary principle because of the uncertainties involved. This dams surge wave was passing from an earthquake in Simi Valley California to an earthquake in Semisopochnoi Island in Alaska when it passed through the factory. This brings into sharp relief once again the deadly consequences of modern civilization through its designs to meet water and other needs. In 1908 Mahatma Gandhi gave a warning: Given enough time, modern civilization will destroy itself. The solution is to discard modern ways and adopt a normal way of life based on truth. See Collaterals of Climate Change/R. Ashok Kumar.
Vriksha samrakshan Vishwasamrakshan. Trees for Dams! Realise that your most important priority is to reforest ecologically our planet for the next millennia involving people. 

If as this newsreport suggests the blast occurred at around 11:30 AM local time or 6 AM UTC,  the earthquakes to be considered are
2016-05-26   06:06:14.08hr 34min ago6.82 N  73.12 W  1533.3 NORTHERN COLOMBIA

2016-05-26   06:36:49.18hr 05min ago50.18 N  1.11 E  03.0 FRANCE

and the results of the analysis are unaltered.

Sunday, January 31, 2016



It is pathetic that these veterans of modern civilization are such a miserable failure! At 40 kg/sq.meter dry biomass density of trees of local varieties, Chikkaballapur district if it wished can boast of groundwater recharge capacity of 30 billion cubic meters per year on 50% of its area of 4244 sq km. Thus this will ensure with 100% certainty groundwater of 50000 cubic meters per year for drinking at 40 liters per day per head surely? What are the authorities blinking at? And 30 billion cubic meters per year of groundwater would be available for other uses. See 

2. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2024. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: BRING BACK NORMAL CLIMATE.blogspot

Sunday, December 27, 2015

River interlinking schemes- The modern and the normal

"... the 'Indian Rivers Inter-link' was proposed with an aim to link Indian rivers by a network of reservoirs and canals to reduce persistent floods in some parts and water shortages in other parts of the country."

The present state is a great abundance of the concrete jungle on drains and lakes-witness Chennai,Bangalore etc. We must examine the infinitely superior way of interlinking rivers and in fact basins with ecological forestation with people's cooperatives. For this one must subsume within one's true knowledge base the superior physiological properties of plants. See Thinking Outside the Box-Trees for Dams at
One must study how the gigantic pumping action of the sun using the osmosis and transpiration powers of plants redistributes the groundwaters via an atmospheric distribution network AUTOMATICALLY in proportion to the density of vegetation, given the highly disordered development which the present modern civilization's self destructive ways cause. The tree was created by the Lord just for this purpose so dams together with other contraptions of modern civilization(MC) dont go on a cumulative destruction of MC itself, like quakes which dams of the world cause to result in the extinction breeders like Fukushima which is expected to cause an excess of  330 million Indian infant deaths. Link rivers via nature or perish ye people rooted in MC

And now this:

The average happiness created by the dams of the world is zero: They are extinction breeders. Replace them with forests. 

"Proponents of the project, led by the
Union Water Ministry, say that the proposed Daudhan dam and the 2.5 km
canal — the key structures of the project — that will transfer surplus
water from the Uttar Pradesh section of the Ken to the Betwa in Madhya
Pradesh are critical to irrigate nearly 7,00,000 hectares in
drought-ravaged Bundelkhand."
This is a waste of money and does not serve any purpose. See
Perfect Designs: The average happiness created by the dams of the world is zero:
They are extinction breeders. Replace them with forests.
But what foolishness to create more irrigation in droughty Bundelkhand when you
waste every year 60 million tons of fruits and vegetables? Grown on 6 million hectares? Repeat: Grown on 6 million hectares!
Have a holistic approach to governance, consult Piyushji - Power and engineers and
entrepreneurs working on creating air conditioned storage for fruits using
no electricity: Use solar energy in vapour absorption chilling systems! Learn from the Chinese tycoon(See Ref Chinese tycoon). Integrate this
with a national plan to convert air conditioning from electricity guzzling
catastrophe of extinction breeding machines like those in use in this self
destructive development of modern civilization. Redistribute these saved fruits among the Bundelkhandies and other parts of India and simultaneously reforest the whole of India and the world(May involve more travel sprees for Modiji). Think outside the box:
Trees for Dams! Allow the water to fly like God does when he moves through the trees to make the woodlands green! Learn from the teachings of the Gita.
Have some democratic practice replace these presumptive specialist governance!
Have referendum on development. Modiji please have a heart.
Forests should not be destroyed, not even for a good reason, dams are hell of a bad evil. Stop this mal-development. 6 million hectares wasted and catastrophe of dams to create 700000 hectares of irrigation?

Prevention is better than NO CURE! See what Ref on foodgrains observes very very pertinently:

Every year we spend crores of rupees out of public exchequer for preventing decay—but to no avail—and then spend a fortune again to dispose of the piled up waste. We would rather not produce the crop in the first place as production takes a toll not only on the natural resources like soil and water but also impacts environment because of green house emissions. On the other hand, we could produce other crops like pulses, which we import very often. The Prime Minister recently appealed to the farmers to grow pulses on part of their land. But such appeals in all likelihood will go unheeded as long as distorted incentives to produce cereals—wheat and rice—continue.




On fruits and vegetables:

On Area and Production of Different Fruit Crops

On foodgrains:

On the Chinese tycoon:


R. Ashok Kumar, Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Redesign living so no squandering of fossil fuel at ten percent efficiency occurs


90 percent of the fuel used is wasted in crawling at a kilometre per hour!

For an excellent book on the true costs of the automobile litter pictured above or our oil addiction see Terry Tamminen.2006.LIVES PER GALLON: THE TRUE COST OF OUR OIL ADDICTION. Island Press.Washington.
For a review of how air pollution causes infertility see

Air Pollution by planes.
See the airplane radar picture over India:

 And Worldwide:

Every minute or so a plane is taking off or landing in India! The problem is lead as it is spewed by the plane exhaust. Lead is also there in specialty fuels. Lead lowers sperm count and creates abnormalities in the rest. Lead reduces fertility in women and causes miscarriages.Children absorb lead more readily than adults do. As their brains and nervous systems develop, children may suffer significant learning disabilities and hyperactivity as a result of lead contamination. For all lead is a neurotoxin even at very low levels, affecting the circulatory, reproductive,nervous and kidney systems. These low levels bioaccumulate in bone and other tissues. Although these effects have been well understood for decades,oil companies continue to offer leaded plane fuel around the globe.
Though from jet fuels lead has been eliminated, other aviation fuels still contain lead as otherwise the planes would suffer damage as there will be no anti knock effect.
But airplane exhaust whether jet or not still contains all the pollutants that cause health damage and death that automobiles cause. 
Now take a look at Delhi PM 2.5 particulate matter smog where airplanes take off and land above densely populated areas like Vasant Vihar and Kunj every minute(wiki):

Exposure to particulate matter for a long time can lead to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer and heart attacks. The Global burden of disease study for 2010, published in 2013, had found that outdoor air pollution was the fifth-largest killer in India and around 620,000 early deaths occurred from air pollution-related diseases in 2010(wiki). This confirms the data of Terry Tamminen for the USA: ...more than 100000 Americans died, or died early of air pollution related illness in 1994 and at least that many every year since. 
Children who live in smoggy areas like Delhi and Vashi,Navi Mumbai lose 1% of their lung capacity every year.Terry Tamminen wrote in the above mentioned book of his citing unambiguous scientific study(Ref1):"Preventable air pollution robs our children  5% of their ability to breathe by the age of 5, 10 % of their ability to breathe by the age of ten and so on. None the less no one speaks out against it in the United Nations and few ask oil and auto companiesto absorb the external costs that their products impose on the rest of us. Instead our governments spend billions of dollars to subsidise these industries, in turn subsidising our addictive self destruction." In reconfirmatory study(Ref2) the health of people of all ages improve with air pollution going down.
Also have a look at the air quality index bulletin of India at:
You must however verify the veracity of the figures cited therein by cross checking with data published via SAFAR data by IMD on a daily basis. This writer found out discrepancy in the data furnished by the bulletin and that published by SAFAR. 
See this for example for Navi Mumbai SAFAR data  for 2 December 2016 at 11:39:25 IST or 06:09 UTC: Navi Mumbai is very poor. And this was the state yesterday(December 1 2016 at 1600 hrs IST) average  for past 24 hrs which is also the time stated in the Bulletin ! The Bulletin however states "satisfactory" for PM 2.5 for December 1 2016 at 69 percent of 60  microgrammes per cubic meter.

Navi Mumbai

Fri, Dec 2, 2016 11:39:25 am
PM2.5326Very Poor

Airlines 2016 aviation fuel consumption 6.2 million tons as of October 2016.
Data on aircraft in the skies and their use for India is at

Dams bring in pollution from outside an area and make the local pollution that much more killing.  

Shri Apte's Note: Apte's note below is an apt summary of how to go about for the All India situation.
To give a perspective of the All India pollution from coal fired stations
compared with All India vehicular pollution: Annual figures(December 2015): Of the 430 million tons of coal used to generate 860 billion units of electricity with a monitored capacity of 164752 MW,143 million tons of coal are lost in 33.3% transmission and distribution losses! Of the remaining 287 million tons of coal delivered as electricity, 224 million tons are lost in inefficiency! Thus only 63 million tons(14.65%) of coal appears as electricity usefully converted as final delivered goods and services or 367 million tons of the 430 million tons are burnt without utility in the air contaminating life! A 1000 MW coal fired plant is equivalent to the pollution of 300000 motor vehicles
and thus the 164752 MW of coal fired stations emit the equivalent of 50 million motor vehicles.
For comparison, the number of motor vehicles on Indian roads today is 20 million! The health of all life is affected by both the coal fired stations and the motor vehicles which crawl at ten percent efficiency wasting 90% of the fossil fuel input to them.
Dont jump to say go for nukes. Nukes give negative energy to society outside the nuclear industry apart from causing 330 million Indian infant deaths estimated just due to the March 2011 triple core melt of Fukushima's 2820 MW nukes caused by the surges of the World's dams resulting in a great 9 MM magnitude damquake!

But see how dams caused the Fukushima earthquake at
The science of dams causing earthquakes and climate change at
And these same dams stabilize the grid because of based loaded thermal and nuke stations.
This is the suicidal destructive power of modern civilization in action foreseen by Mahatma Gandhi in 1908.

(1) All metro cities and even other cities have high pollution levels
and all need to have in place rules which regulate entry of vehicles. One can
understand why our apex Court is concerned about air quality of Delhi capital
region. (2) Considering high pollution, it
is time we take steps not only in Delhi but in all metro cities to reduce
pollution levels. There is clear case for restricting use of all vehicles, all
vehicles and not just diesel-run vehicles. In many cities like London entry of
vehicles especially cars in business districts is either banned or there is a
congestion fee which is substantial. May be that our car users have to get
mentally ready for such a ban or for paying a heavy congestion fee? But it is also
time we upgrade our public transport, make it efficient and then consider
restricting use of vehicles. (3) It is high time concerned State governments
take steps to reduce pollution levels in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Pune etc. The Supreme Court cannot be expected to interfere in matters which are essentially which the executive is supposed to handle.
1. W. J. Gauderman et al."The effect of Air Pollution on Lung Development from 10 to 18 Years of Age," New England Journal of Medicine.351,no.11(September 9, 2004).
 Whether exposure to air pollution adversely affects the growth of lung function during the period of rapid lung development that occurs between the ages of 10 and 18 years is unknown.
 In this prospective study, we recruited 1759 children (average age, 10 years) from schools in 12 southern California communities and measured lung function annually for eight years. The rate of attrition was approximately 10 percent per year. The communities represented a wide range of ambient exposures to ozone, acid vapor, nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter. Linear regression was used to examine the relationship of air pollution to the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and other spirometric measures.
 Over the eight-year period, deficits in the growth of FEV1
 were associated with exposure to nitrogen dioxide (P=0.005), acid vapor (P=0.004), particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 µm (PM 2.5) (P=0.04), and elemental carbon (P=0.007), even after adjustment for several potential confounders and effect modifiers. Associations were also observed for other spirometric measures. Exposure to pollutants was associated with clinically and statistically significant deficits in the FEV1 attained at the age of 18 years. For example, the estimated proportion of 18-year-old subjects with a low FEV1
 (defined as a ratio of observed to expected FEV1of less than 80 percent) was 4.9 times as great at the highest level of exposure to PM 2.5 as at the lowest level of exposure (7.9 percent vs. 1.6 percent, P=0.002).
 The results of this study indicate that current levels of air pollution have chronic, adverse effects on lung development in children from the age of 10 to 18 years, leading to clinically significant deficits in attained FEV1 as children reach adulthood. 
2. W.J Gauderman et al. Association of Improved Air Quality with Lung Development in Children. The New England  Journal of Medicine. March 5, 2015 vol. 372 no. 10.
pp 905-13.

A Set of Haikus on oil in modern civilization in Nigeria, a mirror of Indian poverty
(C) 2017 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
17 April 2017


Adapted from Terry Tamminen. 2006. Lives per gallon: The true cost of our oil addiction. Island Press. P 93-96.

Haikus Nigerian Oil: The other side of modern civilization

I lived in Lagos
In early nineteennineties
Intensely crowded.

Cardboard huts lived in
More people live on the street
Less in apartments.

Vendors squat on streets
Sell bananas, rice, bushmeat:
Are large grilled rodents.

Vehicle exhaust
Gridlocked throughout day and night
Open sewers stink

Sewers topped with planks
Driveways into walled compounds
But the heady mix?

Life Nigeria’s
Petroleum pollution
Plus sewage tirtha.

Married with two kids
With Wanle , proud and regal
Off to funeral:

Of his friend’s mother.
Buffets exotic meat drink
Tasted roasted dog.

Sunny Ade played
With band from night ten to dawn
With no break at all.

In tune with the band
We danced on the outdoor stage
With musicians.

Honoured them sticking (dollars)
To the sweat on their foreheads
Guests gave food and drinks.

Trailer meat and water
Refrigerated, was Wanle’s
Gift for occasion.

Wealthy few live full
Satellite dishes cell phones
Lavish style mourning.

The majority
Live in abject poverty

Involuntarily thrust
Rights disregarded.

Highest level graft
Ubiquitous with rulers.
Incredible oil rich.

With Wanle the tour
Of Niger River Delta
Of Port Harcourt.

Port Harcourt is site
Of producing the oil.
Weather is real hot.

Hot, humid, sultry.
Hot dry winter with red dust.
From Saharan north.

But in Port Harcourt
Air attacks eyes, nose and lungs,
As locals describe.

Burned off daily are:
Open flares natural gas,
Pungent smell tickles:

Tickles the nostrils,
New galvanised rooftops caked
Rusted two years hence.

Acid rain rusts them
Kilometers of pipelines
Often leak or burst.

Sending down black streams
Sticky liquid into fields
With deadly effects:

Warri city tale:
A pipeline of oil did burst
Poor villagers rushed.

Growing oil pool
Oil for cooking, for cash

Rejoice not dear friend
To reap oil bonanza
Thousands came in droves.

Vast pool of oil
By accident ignited
Flames engulfed people.

Seven hundred died
In minutes a tribe swallowed
By huge inferno.

20 meter high
Blaze consuming man beast land
Such dangers common.

Villagers murdered
Nigerians protested
The supari deaths.

The oil giant
Hired defence and police men
Who killed unsolicited!

The oil giant’s
Competitor lost a case
Leven years ago.

In Nigeria
The Niger River Delta
Polluted by them.

They must pay locals
One point five billion dollars;
Shell was to appeal.

Leven years have passed
Have local tribes received cash
Ordered by the court?

Wanle showed me all
Destruction wrought by petrol
Should I take a stand?

Bleak waste wrought by greed
Set against the great beauty
And diversity.

The nineteen nineties:
Gasoline cost fifteen cents
So rape Nigeria?

Nigeria earned:
More than 300 billions
Oil revenues.

Nigerians earn:
Less than a dollar a day
A nation’s lowest.