Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The World's Dams Caused the Explosion of the Sindhurakshak and Kursk: The Precautionary Principle Applied

Change over from Modern Civilization of Extremes to a Normal Way: The Principle is: Transcending all is the Unknowable.
R. Ashok Kumar,B.E.,M.E(Power), Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.
14 August 2013
©  2014-2019  Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

The Sindhurakshak submarine berthed at the Naval dockyard at Mumbai suffered a major explosion which killed 18 personnel aboard the sub on 2013-08-13 at 185940 Hrs UTC. It also caused damage to another sub berthed there- the Sidhuratna. This may have been a dam related event whereby a massive surge of the World’s dam content Change of 806.5 BCM passed the disaster point at the time the event occurred. See Table DE(Damquake data derived from EMSC lists) :

Scroll down please to view the table.

Right click on the Table to choose to view it in a separate tab.
The only hotspot near the event was on 11 August 2013:
Total number of fires detected : 1
 21.106  72.648    2013-08-11    05:25    311.8   0    2.1  1.4    T    5.0    290.5    23.2 

Note that a media report states that battery charging was completed on 11th August 2013. Is this hotspot indicative of some problem in the battery compartment? 
As the huge dam surge of some 1049 Everest  Mountain heights of water pressure head change at the center of Gravity of the World's dams  hit  the Naval Dockyard, all hell broke loose on the Sindhurakshak, the application of the Precautionary Principle makes us say. It struck the sub when the dam surge was passing from the damquake at Canary Isles to the damquake in the Aegean Sea. Imagine the unthinkable if it were a nuke sub., and that in the Capital City MUMBAI.Battery runaway may have been a consequence of this leading to the explosion(See below however). Of course by a nuclear effect  the ammo and the ship might have exploded.
See by google search The Nuclear Effect in Causing Earthquakes/Ramaswami Ashok Kumar for the phenomenon. See also
But this is the question of lead acid batteries. So thermal runaway may not have been caused. Hydrogen leak and explosion may have been at play. The angle of sabotage of course is being suggested to be studied.
This finally may be the cumulative effect of the World’s dams taken together: Their dynamic disequilibrium is set into play when Modern Civilization meets its water greeds by changing the water withdrawal and input to the dams to meet the sum total of electricity demands and other consumptive needs. This design- the surface water storage as opposed to groundwater storage- is an example of the glaring lacuna in the way modern civilization goes about.
for details.
Bring back the forests ecologically by cooperative efforts by communities and dismantle the dams and centralized methods of meeting specialized needs. Forests prevent climate change and quakes and extremes of rain that dams spawn. The great American Flu Pandemic was caused by dams. See .
Belief in the truth of a law increases in direct proportion to the number of successful occurrences of the law. 
The 26th February 2010 Battery Compartment Fire at Vishakapatnam Navy Dockyard also in INS Sindhurakshak , took place in between two Damquakes, most probably the ones shown inTable DS1:

The ballpark estimate of the Dam Content Change surge is 890 BCM due to the World’s dams and this at the center of gravity of the water masses behind the dams applied at the Sindhurakshak berth's foundation a water moment equivalent to a great earthquake of magnitude 8.9.The heat might have been rapidly conducted up the sub to cause fire in the battery compartment. This resulted in the death of a sailor and injuries to two others.

The KURSK Explosion, Barents Sea, 12 August 2000.
The explosion in the Kursk submarine on 12 August 2000 at 728 UTC  or 72950 UTC was, by the application of the Precautionary Principle, caused by the dam surge wave which was unleashed when a change in Worldwide dam contents of 180 BCM occurred. The surge wave of water moment of 946 x10^19.05 Nm equivalent to a great damquake magnitude of 8.65 hit the sub after the dynamic disequilibrium transient started when a damquake occurred at 7:25:40.45  UTC(Table KURSK). The small engine of the HTP torpedo might have been started by the dam surge when it hit the Kursk sub.

The Kursk and the Sindhurakshak both are of the same vintage(1997). Thus were the torpedoes HTP type?
In both there were two explosions.  Was the second explosion in Sindhurakshak after the same time period after the first(135 seconds)? Of course Kursk is a nuke. But HTP type torpedos may be a common factor.

The INS Sindhuratna accident(?) and battery compartmant fire and smoke.26 February 2014.
Two officers were found dead. 
Yes there were a number of earthquakes between 0030 hrs and 0130 hrs when the tragedy occurred.
The surge waves of the dams struck the submarine five times.
See Table below(Right click on the table to view it in a separate tab):

The times at which the surge waves hit the ship are shown in the table. They are at 00:50:38, 00:55:41, 00:59:55, 1:06:26 and 1:35:49, all UTC on 26th February 2014.

Table below shows the magnitude of the hit(equivalent to a great earthquake of magnitude 8.36 MM) du to a change in the storage content of the world's dams of 106 BCM . Right click on the table and view it/view it  in a separate tab.

The Latest Accident: INS Kolkata CO2 Gas Cylinder Burst: 7 Mar 2014 at 715 hrs UTC
One Naval officer killed and two others hospitalised.
The sudden pressure blast may have been triggered by the dams, by the application of the precautionary principle. This may have occurred as the surge wave was traveling from the earthquake at Mexico to the earthquake at Calrsberg Ridge. See the following table.

Not that the time difference between the arrival of the surge at Mumbai Port Trust and reported time of the blast is only 4.25 %. 


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