Friday, July 25, 2014


SNAPSHOTS OF TWO CRASHES DUE TO STORMS CREATED BY THE WORLD’S DAMS,23 July Penghu Aircrash and the 24 July Boulikessi Aircrash, 2014
R. Ashok Kumar, B.E.,M.E(Power), Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.
© 2014 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
Applying the precautionary principle, I  have analysed the two aircrashes and the snapshot of the results are in the two tables PENGHUCrash and AAMCrash.
The storm surge power was an order of magnitude higher in the Mali Aircrash of 24 July 2014  than in the Penghu aircrash, even though the dam contents may have changed on the average by the same amount. This is because, the water moment distance from the center of gravity of the dams at 25,113 to the event point is an order of magnitude higher for Mali crash compared to Penghu. Note that the water pressure head surged by 250 million kilometers in an instant on the average to cause the disasters which is typical of the cumulative simultaneous effects of the world’s dams which have caused many of the catastrophes of modern civilization. See http://glaringlacuna, and 

Note: In these tables  AVEDEV stands for the average deviation from the mean of the locations of the earthquakes worldwide, magnitude 2.5 and above during the period June 2013 to 23 June 2014 for earthquakes caused by dams during this period. This has been derived from USGS data on earthquakes. 
The dynamics of the dams show that the centre of gravity of the water masses behind the dams can be assumed to be given by AVEDEV.   SSM stands for the sum of the magnitudes of seismic moments of all the earthquakes considered during the period. The enormous sledge hammer effect at the centre of gravity of the world's dams caused by the 250 million kilometer water pressure head change cause Love and Rayleigh waves to travel through the earth causing damquakes, deep, intermediate and shallow. The geoscientists and engineers should form a global geodispatch center working closely with water and power dispatch centres to catch these waves as they cause dam related events-earthquakes, enormous instantaneous beyond design basis storm surges, tsunamies, landslides, infrastructure collapses like mines and connected disasters, nuclear meltdowns including Fukushima and WIPP like catastrophes. For example GDACS and their likes must be totally revamped on the above lines. In fact modern civilization must give way to a normal one where designs to meet all needs are based on truth and harmony.

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