Monday, October 20, 2014

Major Turbulence hits Singapore Airlines A 380 while landing at Mumbai



People are living in blissful ignorance! Please apply the precautionary principle and analyse the effects the separate parts of modern civilization are having simultaneously, cumulatively on one another. My research shows that a blow of 500000 to 600000 terawatts was imposed by the major turbulence for an instant on the double decker A 380 as it was descending to land at 1645 hrs UTC on 18 October 2014. This turbulence was caused by the instantaneous simultaneous cumulative changes in the water contents behind the world's dams of some 250 billion cubic meters resulting in 250 million kilometers of water pressure surge to appear at the centre of gravity of the water masses behind the dams.This caused surges of water moments to travel through the earth- body and surface waves heating up the earth causing sudden turbulence and other effects like thunderstorms. This is happening from instant to instant not sparing any infrastructure that lies in its path- for example, Fukushima was caused by a great earthquake and tsunami caused by the dams. And so the turbulence pushed the plane down at the rate of 5000 feet in a minute as it traveled just 10 miles descending. See Collaterals of Climate Change by google search. 
The links: 
The details of the power surge of the world's dams as it may have affected the Singapore Airliner are in the Table below:
The time period during which the event of turbulence took place was one of extreme dynamics of the dams which saw several earthquakes in the period. At the location of the airplane a turbulence power input was an impulse surge of 594310 terawatts.

The water dispatch centres and the electricity load despatch centres the world over must send their instant to instant readings of reservoir content changes to a centre like the GDACS which should sum up these simultaneous changes and log them in a processor as a time series in real time simultaneous with the time and descriptions of significant occurrences worldwide. This data should be made available to the public at large in two or three websites.

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